Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Hunger Games

One of the best Christmas presents any fan could get is a new song from their favorite artist. Taylor Swift did that and omg did she deliver. She released her new song featuring The Civil Wars for the soundtrack for the upcoming movie, The Hunger Games. The song is called "Safe and Sound" and it is absolutely perfect. When I really love a song, it's on repeat for at least a week straight and I don't listen to any other song. Obsessive much? Yep.

This song has inspired me to read The Hunger Games book. I've heard of the series, I've seen the fandoms on tumblr, and I might have checked it out once before from the library without reading it, which I do a lot. I've also heard people say that it's the new Twilight (I like the movies and books alright), but "the next Twilight" is not a compliment in my book because then I'm afraid that the lead female character is going to be moody and depressing and whiny as hell like Bella and the guy will be all brooding and emotional and that just drives me crazy.

But anyways, I know the book is about this event where kids go and fight each other. I also think it's in a dystopian, utopian, future world. Those are things I'm not so crazy about. I like the past. I love historical books. If the protagonist is fighting some vampire ghost thing in another realm while in a corset, I'm all for it. But the future and dystopias/utopias I do not like. Although Brave New World was one of the only two books in high school that I read all the way through. Ok, let's be honest, it's one of two books I actually bothered to open and read (the other was the Great Gatsby).

But, since everyone seems to love the books, there's a movie coming out, and Taylor Swift wrote a song for it, I have decided to give the Hunger Games a try. As usual, like every other book I read, it's apart of a trilogy. So I'll probably end up reading all three. Hopefully I won't be disappointed.

Have any of you read the books? Going to see the movie? Let me know what you think about it and I'll let you know what I think when I'm done :)

Stay beautiful, Katie xox


  1. I read The Hunger Games series this past summer and found it AMAZING. I will definitely be going to see the movie when it comes out!

  2. I read The Hunger Games in its entirety just after Mockingjay came out, and I LOVED IT. I got my entire to family to read it last year. They all loved it, too--my sister, my mom, and my dad. I've been pretty apprehensive since I heard they were making a movie, but I've gotten sucked into the excitement, too.

    And I am SO thrilled about the Taylor Swift song! I adore her, and I seriously need to look up the song like... now.

  3. I cannot wait for the movie. I completely devoured the books.
