Saturday, January 7, 2012

Back to school, back to school, to prove to my daddy I am not a fool.

I think that line is from Billy Madison, but whatever movie it's from, it's the best back to school line ever.

So I go back to school for my spring semester on Tuesday. School always means makeup. My skin always gets a break during the holidays because I like to be lazy and stay at home. But whenever I go to school, I like to have makeup on. I'm going to be honest here, I like having makeup on because I want to look nice to potential husbands and makeup helps me look alive and alert. The problem is, putting makeup on everyday is tedius. You would think that since I have probably thousands of dollars worth of makeup that I'd be putting makeup on to go to bed, but I don't. I'm actually pretty boring with makeup. I very rarely use blush, and my kind of lip wear is lip chap (aka lip balm). My main focus is my eyes. I nos use different eyeliners and I actually bought a wine colored mascara, but it's still all pretty neutral. I'm not wearing blue mascara and teal eyeliner with gold and hot purple shadow.

But, it's a new year. Mark's theme for the start of the year is a Bigger, Bolder, Brighter 2012. I'm known for being anti-change and consistent. But, I'm taking this mantra to heart. And because a new semester with new classes is starting, I'm going to mix the two together.

My classes this semester will be French 102, US History 1877-Present, World War II, Americans in Paris, Crucifix and Swastika, and Senior Thesis. In case you couldn't tell, I'm a history major.

Because a lot of my classes deal with the French or with the 40s, I've decided that I'm going to match my makeup to my course load. I'm going to try some 40s looks with a modern twist, and I will also try out some French looks. A lot of this is out of my comfort zone. The 40s had red lips which I've never done. I've never even owned red lipstick. But, about a month ago my lovely mentor Ashleigh Angelette sent me mark's Lipclick SPF 15 Color Shine Lipstick in shade Glama as a prize. What's great about the Lipclick Color Shine colors is that they're sheer. This is a perfect opportunity for someone like me (who tries to get lipstick that's almost concealer color to make their lips disappear) to branch out into bolder lip colors. My other challenge is to tone down my eyes. Luckily I can still use heaps of mascara. I found this great blog outlining 40s makeup:

As for French makeup, they really take the natural "no-makeup" look to heart. While they do wear makeup, their goal is to look like they aren't. While this should be the goal of many people, because natural makeup always looks better and keeps you from looking like a drag queen, it's still obvious we wear makeup. This will be a challenge for me because I love my mascara and I love my liner. I go through liner extremely fast. But maybe toning it down will save $$$. But, there are also French looks that do involve more makeup. The French use red lips and there is also a look called "La Garçon." I like this one because it still involves a slight smoky eye.

How will you make your new year bigger, bolder, and brighter?

Stay beautiful, Katie xox

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